What have you learnt during this time?

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world as we know it, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The air is cleaner, people are finding new ways to connect, and our minds are being opened to new ways of thinking. When we begin to emerge from the crisis, the first thing we must do is reflect. What did we test out that worked and what didn’t? How can we then shape our best practices in the future? And how do we make sure we learn from this experience and carry forward our new way of being? 

How have your priorities and values changed?
Being cooped up inside every day has encouraged us to appreciate the outside like never before. We already look forward to our one hour of daily exercise outdoors, that some of us may not have engaged in before, and this can only be a positive. If we can increase time spent on activities that fuel our creativity – such as an early morning walk or jog – we might find ourselves more productive and successful than our previous selves. 

The material possessions we own might no longer feel as necessary as they once did and we should savour the small moments that make up part of our day; the smell of coffee, the sun shining, and the small wins at work. We should also realise the importance of communicating with others. Checking in with team members, family and friends almost daily means many of us now have much stronger connections. 

Most importantly, we should prioritise our physical and mental health and self-care practices. It has never been more important to truly look after ourselves and make time in our day to ensure this happens. And as the pandemic has generated stronger ties within our communities, we should continue to look out for those around us and pull together. 

What innovations have made life better? 
Social distancing and enforced remote working for many organisations has opened our eyes to the fact that most things can be done virtually, and we can be efficient working in this way. Travelling to countless business meetings and events may no longer be necessary as we continue to adapt to an online world. We should embrace flexibility in working patterns and trusting others to manage their own schedules.

Of course, virtual working has its challenges, but the lack of commute and office space costs may encourage more of us to change our organisational structure and the way in which we work. This will require better technology and adapting the workplace culture, but we are already showing innovation with virtual coffee breaks and group chats via messaging services and applications. Any internet blackspots or gaps in technology will be exposed once the lockdown is over and so infrastructure should be improved to support these new ways of working. 

How will you do things differently afterwards?
Now we are experiencing this new normal, it’s hard to imagine returning back to old habits and ways of living and working. Whilst it has been a massive shock to the system to change our usual habits, it also has the potential to have a long-lasting positive effect on our lives. 

In terms of the ways in which we work, we should continue to be innovative with how we support our consumers and staff members, testing new technology and maintaining our adaptiveness. On a more personal level, we might now choose to shop local and support local businesses, or we might permanently switch to buying online. 

Coming out of the other side, we should feel a heightened sense of resilience and strength within ourselves and deeper feelings of gratitude. We should feel able to emphasise and relate to others more and realise what can be achieved through the power of collective action. We have a huge opportunity to transition into a more engaged, empowered, and caring society and that is something which should not be missed. 


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