Using this time wisely
As we continue to stay at home, many of us find ourselves with more time on our hands than ever before. Some of us will feel overwhelmed by this scenario whilst others will be revelling in the opportunity. This is a unique situation in which to both slow down and take stock but to also delve into a new level of productivity and tick off our ambitious to-do lists.
Accept the new normal
Our daily routines might be significantly different from what they once were but despite the uncertainty, it’s important to sit back, breathe and accept the position we now find ourselves in. Don’t waste energy on something that is out of your control and direct your energy onto what you can control. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can create the space in your mind to focus on other things. Now is the perfect time to reflect, review your business and t get ready for when things go back to ‘normal’.
Don’t get caught up in the negativity
Our social media feeds, email inboxes and TV screens are over-run by news stories about the Coronavirus and it’s all too easy to get sucked in and panic instead of focusing on some productivity. Of course, it’s important to stay up to date but too much consumption of negative news will pull you down. Positivity is key to a healthy mindset and your overall performance.
Build your expertise and confidence
Take this time to learn new things and reconnect with yourself. If you’re working from home, use the time away from the office to work on the projects you keep putting aside. Think about the skills that would be an ideal addition to your business or personal development and start an online course or pick up a book. Now is also a great time to give your LinkedIn profile some extra attention – is there anything you could be doing that would reflect well on your profile such as writing some posts or publications?
Build a sustainable brand
Developing a strong, consistent and well-trusted brand will help ensure financial stability in the long-term. Instead of following a knee-jerk reaction to adapt in the short-term, think about how you can create a brand that can weather any storm. If the current situation has taught us anything, it’s how important the online world is. Without it, it would be incredibly difficult for many of us to continue as a business. As we work remotely, we should be able to see the gaps in where we’re lacking digitally - now is the time to experiment with different tools and ways of working.
Get organised
If we organise our physical spaces, our mind in turn becomes de-cluttered. Take this time to organise your personal and home office space – your cupboards, drawers and desk – and you will feel more prepared and relaxed for each day. File those papers that have been sat in a pile for months, create spreadsheets to keep on top of projects and think about doing your taxes now instead of waiting until the deadline. You will thank yourself for it later!
Put self-care at the top of your to-do list
We are limited to what we can really achieve if we are not looking after ourselves first and foremost. Find the self-care routine that works for you and stick to it. There’s no more rush hour traffic so this is a unique reminder to slow down and get re-acquainted with yourself. This is also an ideal time to address any sleeping issues. It’s so much easier to deal with any stressful and emotional situations when your brain and body is well-rested.
Help others
If you are able to, see if there is anything you can do to help your community and fellow business owners. This might be collecting and dropping off crucial supplies, donating to a local food bank or checking in with an elderly neighbour. Support local shops when shopping for supplies and think about buying vouchers from struggling businesses. As socially distanced as we all may be, there are still ways we can spread love and hope.