Productivity vs Work-Life Balance

If there’s one thing this pandemic has taught us, it’s that remote working really works. Rather than being less productive, remote workers have proven to be more productive than their office counterparts – or even their former selves. There’s no wasted time getting ready for work or commuting, there are fewer distractions (for some of us), and less office drama. But, have we reached the stage that whilst we are in fact being far more productive, this is now to the detriment of our work-life balance? And surely, that simply cannot be sustainable if we are to survive and continue this way of working in the long-term. 



Before the pandemic hit, everything you’d read about in terms of remote work was all ‘rainbows and sunshine’. And for the most part, it’s true. We have more control of our working day, we don’t have to get dressed if we don’t want to (although it’s advisable), and we can get more done in the same amount of time. The problem is when you’re outside of an office, you feel compelled to show your employer that you’re around and working, because they can’t physically see you. You work exceptionally hard every day to prove this point which in turn leads to greater productivity and more work being thrown metaphorically on your desk. Great news for the employer, but possibly not so great for the employee – especially if this is to the sacrifice of healthy boundaries and work-life balance.

Burning out

Sooner or later, there will be a price to pay for the extra productivity. As remote workers, we are unable to spend time chatting face-to-face with our colleagues or catching up at the water cooler and in the kitchen with a cup of tea. We don’t grab lunch with our teammates, nor do we head out for a drink or two after work. And whilst instant messaging channels and zoom calls are all very well and good, the age of true workplace bonding has fizzled out. The day-to-day, menial office chit-chat is actually good for us and we will start to feel the strain from the lack of human interaction if we don’t do something about it. We are skipping breaks and pushing ourselves harder than we should because there’s no one around to tell us otherwise. We are more dedicated than ever before, pulling all-nighters to hid deadlines, for fear of losing our jobs if we don’t. Sooner or later we’re going to burn out, and ultimately this will be to the detriment of everyone – both employers and employees. 

So what can we do about it?

Only focus on the tasks that truly matter, right now

At the start of your working day, make a list of the main tasks that you’re going to commit to completing. Make sure it’s realistic that you have the time to complete these on the day, and communicate with the rest of your team. Encourage your team members to do the same thing so you’re all on the same page and collectively working towards the same goal. Don’t take on too many tasks during the day, keeping your focus on the core ones at hand and you’ll have a greater sense of achievement at the end of the day when you complete what you set out to do. You’ll also be much more likely to log off and enjoy your evening.

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to tasks if necessary

As we navigate through these current, everchanging times, our areas of focus and priorities might also change – and on a daily basis. We need to have the confidence to say ‘no’ to tasks that threaten to overwhelm us or that simply aren’t a priority at the moment (or shouldn’t be). Those of us who overwork, are notoriously ‘people pleasers’. Of course, if extra tasks really need to be taken on, these will need to slot into your schedule, but shouldn’t be to the detriment of your work-life balance. Be realistic about what you can achieve on any given day, within your working hours. There’s only so much you can do, and we need to be aware of that and work accordingly. 

Do something for yourself

It’s crucial that you are able to differentiate between your work and home life. At the end of the working day, log off, turn off notifications, shut the door, and go and do something for yourself. Go out for a walk, get out of the house, or put your feet up in another area of the house. Whatever you do, make sure it’s different from your work activities and in a different environment to where you usually work. Make it a consistent habit to do this at the end of each day and it will soon become a signal to your brain that the working day is over. 

It's easy to feel guilty if you aren’t working more hours than usual during this time, especially with the lack of commute and possibly with an increased demand for services. Some of us who still have jobs are worried about whether we will keep them, and as such, are feeling pressure to perform to our absolute optimum – which in turn means more hours and fewer boundaries.

Learn to let go of these unrealistic expectations and stop these bad habits before you embark on a slippery slope that will be hard to come back from. You can still work well and productively, whilst most importantly, protecting your health and personal life. You don’t have to choose.

To find out more about how blueumbrella Virtual Assistant Services can help your business, please contact us anytime on 020 3021 0503, or 


Remote working wellbeing challenges and how to overcome them


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