Overcoming fear and breaking out of your comfort zone
Things change all the time - whether it’s a huge worldwide pandemic or something on a much smaller scale – nothing stays the same. We can either hold onto our fears so that they fester and take over us, or we can let them go and break out of our comfort zone to try something new.
We are naturally concerned for ours and our loved one’s health and wellbeing, our livelihoods, and society as a whole. If however, we have the courage to face a situation honestly, we will be able to collect valuable information and often a potential solution will then present itself. It is human nature to avoid things that scare us and whilst difficult to face, if we can muster up the courage, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and develop our personal growth.
Find acceptance & move towards your fears
Nobody wants to walk into something head on that promises to be a painful experience but constantly avoiding a situation doesn’t make it better. Once you face your fears, they will slowly lose the ability to dominantly reside over your thoughts and dictate your decisions. You might be fearful of many different things right now so take the time you need to breathe and feel out your emotions. Allowing yourself to lean into the uncertainty and to feel vulnerable unlocks new levels of courage, creativity and resilience. Accept where you are and realise that you have the power to control how you react to your thoughts.
Be flexible
Once you have developed a strategy or action plan to move forward, whether personal or business, keep tabs on how things are going. If the strategy isn’t working, ask yourself “is this because the strategy is wrong, or have I not given this enough time to play out?” In some cases, it might be glaringly obvious that things aren’t working so you need to pivot and adjust course. whilst you might be clear about your goal, be flexible about how you achieve it. Don’t give up and be open to trying something new. All of the best things happen outside of your comfort zone.
Seek support from others
Speak to friends, family and business owners. We might not all be in the same boat, but we are all in the same storm. Look for online support groups, read helpful blogs or books, and look to what others are doing. Is there a recipe for success? Can you follow in the footsteps of someone else who has adopted a strategy that is working? Use others as your motivation to keep going.
Think long-term
As a business owner, you might be fearful about the short-term effects and concerned about whether you’ll make the next payroll. But it’s essential you look to the future. What’s your outlook in the next three months or even the next three years? Whilst thinking about the long term won’t actively fix the short-term issues, it can help you think more objectively to come up with the right solution.
Be kind to yourself
The most important coping tool is to be kind to yourself. Be your own best friend. Occupy your mind with relaxing hobbies or go out for a short walk or some other form of exercise to help ground you and refocus your mind. Don’t listen to your inner critic and instead write down what you are grateful for and focus on the positives. Visualise success and above all, trust yourself. Trust that it will be ok and that you will be ok. You have everything you need within yourself to rise up and step into your purpose at this moment.
If the uncertainty has left you feeling unsettled, the best thing you can do is to become fully present with the emotions you are feeling. Notice them and own them, then align yourself with your core intrinsic values. It’s crucial to not let panic take over your decision-making and rational thought processes. Confronting your fears and breaking out of your comfort zone will bring you a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. It is difficult but not impossible. And every time you confront your fears, you will prove to yourself that you are stronger than you think, and you have the ability to get through whatever you may face.
Wherever you may be, we’re here to help grow your business.
Call us on 020 3021 0503, or email info@blueumbrella.co.uk
“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.”