Tips for effectively working from home

If you’ve been working in an office for a number of years, chances are you probably aren’t quite prepared for work from home life, particularly one that’s been forced upon you. But do not fear – blueumbrella have long been living and breathing the remote work lifestyle and we’ve got you covered with our top 10 tips for effectively working from home.

1.      Set up a dedicated work area (and try to keep it tidy)
It’s important to have a dedicated place to work – even if you change this throughout the day. Ideally, it should be somewhere you can close the door and shut out any distractions. When you’re there, you’re there to do some serious work and hit those deadlines.

2.      Stick to a routine
It can be pretty tempting to roll out of bed and wander to your desk in your pyjamas; try not to fall into this trap. It’s not going to make you feel good for the day ahead. You don’t have to wear normal office attire but aim for a happy medium of comfortable and smart. Stick to a schedule like you would if you were in the office. This means setting your alarm to give you enough time to get out of bed, have a shower and have breakfast. If you can, try and dedicate a 15-minute slot for some ‘me time’ such as reading a book or doing some meditation – something that sets you up for a positive day.

3.      Make sure household members know not to disturb you
It’s important for them to know that just because you’re in the house it doesn’t now mean you’re freely available, or are able, to do the household chores during the day. Close your door when taking important phone or video calls and make sure anybody who’s in the house knows when you’re in a meeting. I’m sure we’ll never forget the classic moment Professor Robert Kelly was unexpectedly disturbed on live TV so if you do end up in this situation, keep calm and carry on.

4.      Take regular breaks
Every hour take at least a 10-minute break. Get up from your desk, walk around, step out for some fresh air or make a cup of tea. Set a reminder so you don’t let this slip as it will really enhance your focus throughout the day.

5.      Drink plenty of water
Staying hydrated is extremely important for improving concentration levels (a must!) as well as preventing or alleviating headaches and balancing your mood. Make it a habit to take a glass of water into your office space when you start the day and replace this when you take regular breaks.

6.      Stay well connected
Just because you’re away from the office doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check in with colleagues each day. Video conferencing tools are a great way to stay connected and up-to-date with your co-workers as well as WhatsApp groups or Slack channels. With no catch-ups at the water-cooler, the feeling of isolation can soon set in, so think about scheduling virtual coffee breaks to have your usual natter.

7.      Stay active
It’s inevitable that you’ll feel more sluggish being at home even if you’re busy working. Make it a part of your routine to either take a walk at the beginning, middle or end of your day (if you can) or take part in an online exercise video. If all else fails, run up and down the stairs a few times!

8.      Write tomorrow’s to-do list at the end of each day
Sometimes, when it gets to the end of the day, you feel like you need to keep working to get things done. Writing a to-do list for the next day (which can be broken down into steps) enables you to brain dump everything that’s buzzing in your mind and leave it until the next morning when you start work again. You’ll sleep easier knowing you’re well prepared for the day ahead.

9.      Develop a clear boundary between work and home life
One of the trickiest parts of working from home is being able to switch off, both physically and mentally, at the end of the working day. Leave the office at the time you normally would, make sure you’ve written that all important to-do-list, and close the door.

10.  Embrace the perks!
Many people choose to work from home for the many benefits it brings so don’t lose sight of that. No co-workers to distract you from getting things done quickly and efficiently, no public transport or traffic to navigate, and actually being at home the minute the office closes. All of a sudden, you’ll have more hours in the day, so try and embrace it all!


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